Are you a Small Business or church leader who spends more time than you should on everyday administrative responsibilities – scheduling, bookkeeping, maintaining your business or church website and, social media? Leaders should spend their time and energy focusing on Growing the business and membership instead of being bogged down with administrative duties.
GDeberry Virtual Business Consulting has the skills to execute those administrative tasks faster and more efficiently, leaving you to focus on growth and leadership. We can partner to grown the East Oakland Community.
Research. GDeberry VBC can search the internet for more supportive information to enhance your projects
Inbox. Help gain control of your emails.
Social Media. Keeping Your Social Media Outlets Updated
Scheduling. Manage your calendar at the start of each week listing people, events, or appointments that need scheduling in available time slots.
Website Management: Updating your website with relevant content.
Customers and Members Contact: Following up with Customer and Contacts.
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What Successful Leaders Need To Know
ESO VENTURES (Click below to learn how to become a Entrepreneur)